To keep pace with skyrocketing demand for visual effects and animation content, artists must boost creativity and maintain the highest levels of productivity. However, the path to achieve such goals is not straightforward, especially when working with uncompressed, high-resolution media. A Quantum StorNext® shared storage and advanced data management solution integrates seamlessly with the leading tools of the trade to provide the horsepower needed to let your creativity run free—and meet your tightest deadlines.
This year at SIGGRAPH 2018 in Vancouver, Quantum will be highlighting an array of helpful technologies to support your work as a digital artist. Whether your concern is better collaboration amongst your team or delivering on time and within budget, StorNext-based storage solutions can help you get there.
Fill out the form to book an appointment with us at the show.
Further Resources:
- [E-book] Meet the Rising Demand for Captivating Visual Experiences
- [White Paper] Quantum’s Xcellis Scale-out NAS, Industry Leading IP Performance for 4K, 8K and Beyond
- [Data Sheet] Xcellis Workflow Storage
- [Data Sheet] Xcellis Scale-out NAS for All-IP Workflows
- [Webpage] Quantum StorNext for Animation, VFX, and VR